Sunday, 19 July 2015

A Good Read

Stronger Together!

Our annual Awards Event took place over an entire weekend at the magnificent, Euphoria Golf Estate, situated in the heart of the unspoilt Limpopo Province.

In every way, it was a Winner’s Weekend!

From the moment of our arrival, Arlene’s painstakingly perfect organisation, the setting, service, hospitality of the host venue and of course, the sight of our Top Achievers’ Prizes, beautifully branded ERA cars, ensured that this would be a weekend to remember. And so it was...

On the rainy Friday night, the fun kicked off with a journey back in time. WANTED man, our inimitable CEO, Stefan Louw welcomed all our attendees to the Saloon with characteristic few formalities and much aplomb.

Then, the Wild West came alive, in more ways than one, with convicts, culprits, cowboys and dancing girls setting fire to the rain. The delicious spitbraai was washed down by copious amounts of thirst quenching liquids...alcoholic and non alcoholic varieties, of course.

As the night progressed, the photo booth saw increasingly interesting traffic . Peruse the photographs to bear witness to the fabulous frolicking that ensued.

If anybody woke up somewhat under the weather on Saturday morning, a crisp sunny day , a hearty breakfast and possibly a Bloody Mary or two soon took care of it. The day was spent at leisure and everybody did leisure his/ her very own way.

The golfers thoroughly enjoyed the challenges of the signature Annika Sorenstam Championship Golf course. Never underestimate the wiliness of a woman was the conclusion of many a golfer on the day. Golfers seldom agree but consensus was that the course, though not a walk in the park, is certainly one that every golfer should experience.

The more hedonistically inclined amongst us made sure that the Spa experience was fully booked. What could possibly be better preparation for a glitzy Awards Evening than being pampered, plumed and spoilt before donning your finery to enjoy a night of celebrating the dedication, accomplishment, achievement and success of your Team?

Then it was Time... Centre Stage was taken by our Winners. Back breaking hard work, unfaltering ambition, perseverance and commitment were the common denominators between Nominees and Winners alike.

ERA Alberton, Jacques and Mara Louw and their magnificent Mary Bradbury took Top Honours in the Sales categories to drive away with the cars whilst Kuruman once again ruled the Rentals.

And this ERA Team Members, indeed is how history was made.

We look forward to the remainder of 2015 and want you to keep in mind:

Winners focus on Winning. Losers focus on Winners.

Thank You for making ERA SA the Winning team that it is, united We stand, divided We fall.

ERA SA , Stronger Together!!

Yours Sincerely,

Berna Daly

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